By adding your company as a partner of Entreculturas, you help us to offer education and opportunities for the future.

Through a small regular monthly, quarterly or annual contribution, we will impact the quality of life and the generation of future opportunities for women, children and youth in Latin America, Asia and Africa.

If you prefer to make a one-time donation, please click here.


Pymes con impacto is a program for small and medium-sized companies that support the right to education of the most vulnerable children living in countries with high rates of poverty and social exclusion.

Entreculturas in figures




Accompanied persons



Benefits of joining

companies for a cause

A partnership to grow your company

Social impact

Expand social impact, and reinforce Corporate Social Responsibility.


Collaborate with a well-known, serious and transparent NGO.


Enhance your company’s reputation among your customers, suppliers and close public.


Publicize your participation in the program in your communication channels and social networks.

Tax benefits

Benefit your business
with the corresponding tax deduction.


Motivate your employees and employees of your
company or business.


Build customer loyalty through your involvement in the Sustainable Development Goals.


Greater visibility as a company that assumes its responsibility to society.

Tax benefits

If you are a legal entity (company), you can deduct your contributions to NGOs.

  • If you have been collaborating with Entreculturas for less than 3 years, you get a 40% tax deduction.
  • If your collaboration exceeds 3 years, you get a 50% tax deduction.

In addition, if you reside in an Autonomous Community subject to a particular foral regime or with additional deductions for donations to NGOs, you may have different deductions.

Remember that, in order for us to be able to report the amount of your dues and/or donations to the Tax Office in January, we need your tax information. If you have not yet provided us with your details, please call us on 91 590 26 72 or write to us at

Do you have questions about how and why to make your company a partner of Entreculturas?

When I finish the whole process to make my company a partner, what should happen?

As soon as you finish filling out the form, you will receive a confirmation email. If you have not received it, you can contact us at or by calling 915902672.

How long will my company be a partner of Entreculturas?

Until whenever you want. If at any time the company does not wish to continue collaborating or wants to modify its quota, just call us at 915902672 or write to us at

Will I receive information about my collaboration?

From the moment you make your company a partner and within approximately 15 days, you will receive an email or welcome letter and, from then on, you will be informed of all our activities, projects or events.

If I am a member, can I collaborate in other ways with Entreculturas?

Yes! In addition to being a recurring member, you can also participate in our campaigns or collaborate with a specific project or emergency. You will also have the opportunity to participate in the volunteer opportunities we have in Spain and in other countries where we operate.
If you have a business, you can participate in business for a cause initiatives.

If my company is a partner, can I collaborate in other ways with Entreculturas?

Yes! In addition to making a recurring contribution as a partner company, you can also participate in our occasional campaigns or collaborate with a specific project or emergency. You can find more information about the different possibilities of collaboration with companies by going to Companies for a Cause.

How can I obtain my tax deduction certificate for my income tax return?

Entreculturas will send you by email and/or by post the donation certificate for the corresponding tax deduction. We will send it to you in February of the following fiscal year of the collaboration.

I have changed my bank account or company address. How can I update them?

Contact us and we will change it instantly. It is very important that you notify us of these changes to avoid administrative delays.
You can write to us at or call us at 915902672.

Contact with me

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us.

Raquel Abad de las Heras.

Alliances and Institutional Relations Coordinator

Telephone: 91 590 26 72


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