of Gender

© Julio Perez

We are committed to equality as a prerequisite for social justice.

Entreculturas promotes the change of cultural patterns and the defense of gender equality as a fundamental human right and a privileged strategy for the construction of peace and development.

Through our programs, together with our partner organizations such as Fe y Alegría and the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), we pay special attention to women and girls, who face greater inequality and vulnerability because they are women, and we work through specific projects to protect them from violence, encouraging their participation and promoting their development, using education as a fundamental tool.

What we focus on:

© Laura Lora


We are committed to the school as a safe space that also protects girls and adolescents, through the prevention of different types of violence (female genital mutilation, early marriage, sexual abuse or exploitation). In addition, we provide psychosocial support, workshops on sexual and reproductive health from a rights and self-esteem perspective, community awareness-raising activities and teacher training aimed at denaturalizing violence, identifying cases and preventing it. And we promote access to education for girls, especially those in vulnerable situations, and the prevention of school dropout. A work that we promote through our program La LUZ de las NIÑAS (The LIGHT of the GIRLS).

© Irene Galera


The role of teachers is fundamental in the school, a space for protection and training where equality is promoted. In countries such as Uganda and Chad, we promote the integration of women into the teaching profession, with the aim of empowering and training them, and to become role models for girls in schools.

© Laura Lora


Women in contexts of forced mobility suffer numerous forms of violence and specific challenges in addition to those they face as women. For this reason, we work to accompany them at origin, transit and destination, so that they can live safely and be masters of their own lives. In countries such as DR Congo, Ethiopia and South Africa, we accompany displaced women by offering them psychosocial support, protection training, job training and workshops to help them improve their livelihoods.

© Entreculturas


The design and implementation of educational processes that seek to empower citizens to generate fairer, more equitable and sustainable relationships find in the gender approach a fundamental element to be truly transformative. That is why we are committed to coeducation. Coeducating involves detecting all stereotypes associated with masculinity and femininity, being aware of them and implementing the necessary measures to eliminate them from our language and behavior. Get to know our educational materials with co-educational approaches in our educational web site REDEC.

© Entreculturas


Through the coalition “NO QUIERO”, formed by Entreculturas, Save the Children, Amnesty International and Mundo Cooperante, we focus on the different forms of violence against girls. In recent years, we have carried out various advocacy, denunciation and awareness-raising actions, asking states to redouble their efforts to put an end to this violation of human rights.

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