Increase your quota
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With your help as a partner, we have already been able to assist and accompany more than 361,000 people living in the most vulnerable contexts in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. They have been able to access education and a dignified life.
Therefore, we invite you to increase your Entreculturas membership fee and help us to continue promoting new education projects in the places where they are really needed.
With 15 euros more in your annual fee we will deliver a basic kit of educational material to 3 refugee girls in Syria.
With 30 euros more in your annual fee we will give a technical training for work to a teenager from DR Congo.
With 50 euros more in your annual fee we will make it possible for a girl to go to school.
Now your donations are worth more
Increase your quota!
Did you know that as of January 1, 2024, what you contribute to charities will be more tax deductible on your income tax return?
If you are a private donor
The deduction is 80% for the first 250 euros and 40% for the rest of the donations.
Example by donating 25€/month (300€/year)
220,00 € tax deduction
80% of the first 250 ¤
40% of the next 50 ¤.
- This tax improvement does not apply to the Basque Country and Navarre.
- The deduction limit on the net taxable income remains at 10%.
In addition, if you collaborate with the same entity for three consecutive years, you will get even more back at the end of the year: if in the last three years the amount donated to the same entity has been maintained or increased, the deduction increases to 45% for donations exceeding the first €250. In this way, your commitment is rewarded.
If you are a legal entity (company)
- If you have been collaborating with Entreculturas for less than 3 years , the deduction is 40%.
- If your collaboration exceeds 3 years, the deduction increases to 50%.
If you reside in an Autonomous Community subject to a particular foral regime or with additional deductions for donations to NGOs, you may have different deductions.
Remember that, in order for us to be able to report the amount of your dues and/or donations to the Tax Office in January, we need your tax information. If you have not yet provided us with your details, please call us on 91 590 26 72 or write to us at