Ethical Channel and Secure Environment

© Monteserín Fotografía

Ethical channel

Through this channel, you can report any type of malpractice, infraction or irregularity of Entreculturas that may be in breach of the regulatory or ethical code of the organization, anonymously or not.

Secure environment system

Entreculturas shares the firm commitment to the protection and care of minors and vulnerable people, as well as special attention to victims of abuse and their families, through the program of the Safe Environment System (ES). The objective of ES is to generate and promote safe spaces, activities and relationships, including numerous actions aimed at this end (awareness-raising, training, listening spaces, supervision).

Entreculturas Safe Environment Commission:

  • Ainara Lete (volunteering, headquarters, scholarships and internships)
  • Beatriz de Felipe (non-compliance with the Code of Conduct or Compliance)
  • Gustavo Benítez (working people)
  • Jessica García (minors)
  • Lourdes Valenzuela (Gender Commission)
  • Marta Aranda (volunteer in delegations)
  • Pablo Funes (international)
  • Sonia Fernández (Responsible for Safe Environment)

Complaints channel

If you know of any situation in which GOOD TREATMENT is NOT being promoted; or in which a person could be suffering some kind of abuse, you can report it confidentially to:

Entreculturas’ Mailbox:

Mailbox of the Province:

SJ Code of Conduct

Entreculturas Code of Conduct

Policy for the Protection of Minors and Adults in Vulnerable Adult Situations of EC

Safe Environment Guide in Non-Formal Education Contexts

Code of Conduct of the Spanish NGDO Coordinating Committee

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