Educate is to include program

The program is aimed at helping children, young people and adults with disabilities and/or learning difficulties, from low-income families, to increase their level of achievement of life and work skills, contributing to their greater educational and social inclusion.

It is being implemented in 26 educational centers in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, focusing on the educational continuum for people with disabilities, ranging from early care, inclusive regular and special basic education, to technical education for labor market insertion.

To this end, we propose an intervention with the entire educational community (management and teaching teams, students and families), with the educational authorities and with the local community, moving from a predominantly welfare approach to a rights-based approach.

Lines of action:

  • Training of teachers and families of the 26 educational centers
  • Increasing the level of inclusiveness of the 26 centers
  • Promotion of employability and entrepreneurship skills in 3 inclusive special education and 3 inclusive technical education centers.
  • Public awareness and advocacy on the right to education of children and young people with disabilities.

Expected benefits:

  • Consolidation and strengthening of 26 educational centers serving people with disabilities in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru.
  • Training 850 teachers and more than 5,000 family members whose role in the education and development of people with disabilities is essential.
  • The entire school community will benefit, particularly the 1,504 students with disabilities, but also the 14,079 students enrolled.
  • Five entrepreneurship units will be set up or strengthened for 60 young people with disabilities.
  • Design of a global communication and advocacy strategy to publicize the program and influence public policies and promote a positive vision of disability as an opportunity and social enrichment.
  • Promotion of policies for the defense of human rights that are not adequately addressed and to foster a more equitable and fraternal culture at the national and international levels.


  • 1,504 children and young people: 1,504 with disabilities (58% H and 42% M).
  • 7 special education centers, 16 inclusive educational centers and 3 inclusive technical centers.
  • Fe y Alegría’s educational centers are located in vulnerable sectors, with a precarious economy and mostly informal.

Related downloads:

Studies and reports

Report on the first year of the program

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