Management Team and Coordinator

Martín Iriberri SJ is, as of 2023, the General Director of Entreculturas. Working closely with him are Ramón Almansa (Executive Director), Borja Garrido (Financial Director) and Raquel Martín (Director of Communication and Institutional Relations), in addition to a large group of coordinators who, together, guide the day-to-day running of the organization.

Martin Iriberri

Graduated in Law from the University of Navarra, in Theology from the University of Deusto and Master in Theology from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Bogotá. Between 2001 and 2003 he worked as a teacher of ESO and FP in Vitoria, and in the Jesuit Peace Program/CINEP in Colombia. In 2006, he was Director of the Ellacuría Foundation in Bilbao and in 2013 of the Loiolaetxea Association in San Sebastian. He was also Deputy Director of the Alboan Foundation and Delegate of the Jesuit Social Sector in the Loyola Province. Until 2021, he was a joint trustee of the Entreculturas and Alboan Foundations and is currently CEO of both organizations.

Ramon Almansa

Forestry Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, member of the Board of Directors of the International Federation of Fe y Alegría (2007-2010 and 2015-2019), Secretary of the Governing Board of the State NGDO Coordinator (2009-2012), Member of the Cooperation Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation since 2016, member of the Cooperation Board of the State NGDO Coordinator (2006-2009), Coordinator of the International Cooperation Area of Entreculturas (1997-2017) and current Executive Director of Entreculturas.

Borja Garrido

Degree in Law and Doctorate in Economics and Business Administration from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. Executive MBA from IESE. With extensive experience as an analyst, advisor and financial manager, he has held senior positions at Banco Santander, Caja España and Skandia Vida, has served as Deputy General Manager of Centro de Estudios Garrigues and, from 2009 to date, is the Chief Financial Officer of Entreculturas.

raquel martin

Graduate in Information Sciences and specialist in journalism and international cooperation from the UCM, in development cooperation (IUDC, AECID) and in Management Function in NGOs (ESADE). She began her professional career in various media and communication agencies and began her involvement with Entreculturas in 2000 as head of the education and advocacy area. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Coordinadora de ONGD and of the consultative group of EpD of the Cooperation Council. She is currently Director of Communications and IR at Entreculturas.

David Alonso

Degree in Economics and Business Administration, Specialist in International Cooperation. Training in management, organizational design and team coaching specialist. Linked to Entreculturas since October 2000, he has been participating in the Cooperation, Training and Volunteering teams. He has been Coordinator of the Financing and International Volunteer Group of the Coordinadora at different times, of the REDES volunteer group and of the Enlázate por la Justicia initiative. He is currently Coordinator of the Territorial Development Area.

Irene Ortega

Degree in Law and specialist in International Cooperation for Development. She has been working for more than 20 years in areas such as Education for Development, Volunteering, Education and Coordination of groups in Leisure Time, Project Management and support in the field under the framework of International Cooperation actions. She is Coordinator of the Education for Global Citizenship Group of La Coordinadora and Coordinator of the Citizenship Area at Entreculturas.

Beatriz de Felipe

Degree in Business Administration and Management, with a postgraduate degree in International Development Cooperation. He has 10 years of experience in the cooperation sector in different areas, from management and administration to field work or relations with companies. She currently coordinates the Institutional Development Area of Entreculturas.

Sonia Fernandez

Degree in Mathematics. Between 2014 and 2017 she was the President of the Extremadura NGDO Coordinator (CONDEX), between 2010 and 2016 she was the Education and Territorial Implantation Technician of Entreculturas in Extremadura and, since 2016, she coordinates the Area of People and Teams in Entreculturas.

Pablo Funes

Degree in Business Administration and Management and postgraduate degree in International Cooperation. More than 15 years of experience in the cooperation sector, assuming different responsibilities in different organizations: CEOP Ilo, FIIAPP – EUROsocial, Economists without Borders and JRS. She currently coordinates the International Cooperation Area of Entreculturas.

Nacho Esteve

Law degree, MBA from Instituto de Empresa. 15 years of experience in positions of responsibility in communication and fundraising in the NGO sector, specifically in Aldeas Infantiles and Plan España. He is currently the Area Coordinator of Communication and Campaigns at Entreculturas.

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