Due to its geographical location, Morocco is a country of emigration, immigration and is also part of the African migratory corridor to Europe. No official statistics are available but NGOs estimate that between 40,000 and 70,000 migrants transit Morocco annually.

In general, they are a group that suffers marginalization and exclusion in Morocco. Their vulnerability is aggravated if they are in an irregular situation, or if they are refugees, women, minors, sick or disabled people or people who have suffered violence.

From Entreculturas, together with our partner organization in Morocco, the Diocesan Delegation of Migrants (DDM), we carry out a proposal that seeks to assist, protect and accompany the most vulnerable sub-Saharan migrants.

Specifically, the lines of action are as follows:

  • Social support
  • Accompaniment and medical assistance
  • Legal/administrative support
  • Psychosocial support
  • Safe residential spaces where migrants in the most vulnerable situations are hosted for a period of up to 3 months.

Trabajo en Marruecos

Related downloads:

Project sheet

Educational resources and classroom materials

Entreculturas delegations that raise funds directly for this project:

C/ Fonseca, 8. 15004. A Coruña
Telephone: 981 216 858
email: acoruna@entreculturas.org
Bank account: ES1720800000723040167812

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Denia Avenue, 98. 03016. Alicante
email: alicante@entreculturas.org
Phone: 965268144
Bank account: ES1121007721342200216937

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Paseo de la Constitución, 6. 50008. Zaragoza
email: aragon@entreculturas.org
Phone number: 976 21 72 17 / 685 482 346
Bank account: ES3221002149310200126677

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Avenida de los Jesuitas, 12. 24007. León
Phone: 605 70 46 52
email: leon@entreculturas.org
Bank account: ES9221084255790033181426

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Pº San Antonio, 14, 40. 37003 – Salamanca.
Phone: 923125000
email: salamanca@entreculturas.org
Bank account: ES2600495293642116082489

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Av. Gran Vía Fernando El Católico, 78. 46008 – Valencia
Phone: 963153744
email: valencia@entreculturas.org
Bank account: ES4221005647811300263409

>> Donate
Cluster, 3. 11407 – Jerez de la Frontera.
Telephone: 657 64 03 49
email: bahiadecadiz@entreculturas.org
Bank Account: ES9600490496892510212895

>> Donate
Ramón Albarrán, 4 bajo. 06002 Badajoz.
Telephone: 924 26 29 59
email: extremadura@entreculturas.org
Bank account: ES0500490496862810198141

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