What is the VOLPA program?

VOLPA (Volunteering Pedro Arrupe) is the long-term international volunteer program promoted by Entreculturas and Alboan. Provides the opportunity to live for one or two years in one of our enclaves in Latin America, Africa or Asia in order to facilitate experiences that are transformative for both the volunteer and the host community.

What are the requirements?

  • Be over 22 years of age at the time of travel to the field.
  • Possess a sufficient degree of psychological and human maturity, as well as the ability to work in a team.
  • To have a respectful attitude, open to dialogue and open to the encounter with other realities and cultures.
  • Have previous experience of volunteering and social commitment or citizen participation in Spain.
  • Make a preliminary interview with the trainers and companions in your city of reference.

Duration of the program:

VOLPA is a long-term proposal, comprising four stages that translate into two to three years of involvement:

  1. Pre-selection: in September/October of year 1.
  2. Training: for nine months, from October of year 1 to June of year 2.
  3. Volunteer experience in the field: you travel from October of year 2 (the stay is for one or two years).
  4. Return: post-volunteer period of at least six months.

Do you want to become a VOLPA?

If you are interested in participating in the next edition of the VOLPA program, please contact Entreculturas through the delegation nearest you:

Volunteer testimonials


Head of Social Base – Cordoba Delegation

paloma garcía-ogara

VOLPA volunteer in the Dominican Republic


Volunteer of the Entreculturas Delegation in Cádiz

Do you want to volunteer with Entreculturas?

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