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Education is the most powerful tool to transform the world in favor of justice and equality.

That is why we work every day to promote access to education for the most vulnerable children in emergency situations, so that they can have access to a future of opportunities and a dignified life.

With your support, we defend their right to education.

Your collaboration as a partner guarantees a stable support to our projects:

By becoming a member of Entreculturas you help us to continue serving more than 361,000 people living in vulnerable contexts in 45 countries in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe.

Tax benefits

If you have decided to donate to Entreculturas, we inform you that you can deduct these contributions in your income tax return.

  • For the first 250 euros, the deduction is 80%.
  • For the rest of the donations, from the first 250 euros onwards, it is 40%.

In addition, if you have maintained or increased the collaboration with us during the last three years, the deduction increases from 40% to 45%.

Example by donating 25€/month (300€/year)

80% of the first 250 ¤
40% of the next 50 ¤.


Do you have questions about how and why to become a member of Entreculturas?

When I go through the whole process to become a member, what should happen?

As soon as you finish filling out the form, you will receive a confirmation email. If you have not received it, you can contact us at or by calling 915902672.

How long will I be a member?

Until whenever you want. Being a member of Entreculturas is completely voluntary, so if at any time you can not continue collaborating or want to increase your membership fee, just call us at 915902672 or write to

Will I receive information about my collaboration?

From the moment you become a member and within approximately 15 days, you will receive a welcome email or letter and, from then on, you will be informed of all our activities, projects and events.

If I am a member, can I collaborate in other ways with Entreculturas?

Yes! In addition to being a recurring member, you can also participate in our campaigns or collaborate with a specific project or emergency. You will also have the opportunity to participate in the calls for volunteering that we have in Spain and in other countries where we operate.
If you have a company, you can participate in the initiatives of companies for a cause.

How can I obtain my tax deduction certificate for my income tax return?

Entreculturas will send you the donation certificate to your home address and/or by email so that you can use it in your tax return.

I have changed my direct debit or address. How can I update them?

Contact us and we will change it instantly. It is very important that you notify us of these changes to avoid administrative delays.
You can write to us at or call us at 915902672.

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